Thursday, April 30, 2009

when she goes pt 3

This has been a story that I have needed to finish and I apologize that it is taking so long to finish. I left off the story with our valentines date. We headed to park city to go to Zoom restaurant. This is one of my favorite places to eat because of the unique and wonderful atmosphere and the delicious food. Unfortunately Marie had a migraine that night so we had to keep it low key, but when you love a girl.. these things never put a damper on the events that are soon to come. We arrived at Zoom right on time with the luck of a great parking spot. Park City look beautiful. We had a wonderful time at the restaurant  and was going to go to the next activity... dancing. However, this was not the best idea because Marie would not have enjoyed it as much and she should so we headed back to my place in Provo. As we arrived, we kicked off our shoes and cuddled close to one of my favorite movies "My Sassy Girl." I was wonderful. The night was just about perfect... except for one thing. Did she love me back? After the movie we engaged in great conversation ;). Finally the topic was on my mind and her mind as well and it came up... As I remember it, I explained all of the wonderful traits and characteristics that I loved about her. On and on I went and it felt so good to finally let go what I had wanted to say in full force. It felt as if I was giving pure poetry because of how easy and fluid the words were coming. We concluded the night but I never got an I love you back from her. I became very nervous. Had I said to much to fast. We have been dating for a long time so I really doubted that thought. Keep in mind that one of Marie's characteristics is she never makes important decisions  with out thinking about them and making sure that it is right. The next day was normal for the both of us. Work and school, then dinner, then casual relaxing and enjoying each others company. As I walked her home to her apt she seemed a little nervous and or excited. We arrived to her door and she turned and did not kiss me like I had excepted. She instead said, do you remember what you said last night. I replied with a somewhat nervous voice... Yes. She asked did you really mean it? I replied again with a nervous voice preparing to get shut down... Yes. She explained that she wanted to respond last night and let me know that she loved me to but she had to make sure before she said it. She, like my self, value the phrase " I love you" enough to make sure that this was real. She then pulled me close and said "Mike, I love you." This was one of the most precious phrases I could have heard that night. 

As the months past, we became closer and closer. Making fun plans for the summer time... etc. The topic came up on how she wants to go to Jerusalem on a study abroad program. She had hoped to make it in the fall but she needed to try for spring and summer as well because it is very hard to get into. She also said that she had planned on doing everything on the last day so she would most likely be able to stay for summer and go in the fall. The plan was perfect. I was going to head out on a mission for my church and the same time that she would leave for Jerusalem. The next day she received an email congratulating her on being accepted into the spring and summer program. She had to go... this was a opportunity of a life time. 

We then spent every waking moment that we could afford together and cherished all of it. This was the hardest see you later I have ever done. I say see you later because I do not do goodbyes. I will see her in Aug so I will continue to Blog and keep up my personal life while I wait for her to return in my arms. 

Note to readers: Yes she is the girl on the top of my Blog page.

Mike Decker

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

when she goes pt 2

It is time once again to continue my story. Marie and I were now official. As all roommates do, I go a few jokes her and there about Marie and I but over all it seemed to be a congratulations. For the next few months we had tons of fun. Pop-rock make outs and lighting guitars on fire... the usual. After a week or two I started to get a little under the weather. To properly prepare for what I am about to write you will need to understand a few things. First off, I never get sick. I always can shake a cold off in a day. Secondly, Marie had told me when we first met to never kiss her because every boyfriend she has ever had got mono at some point during their relationship. You can obviously see where this is going. Yes I do like to kiss my girl friend and thought that she was joking. When she told me that, it was during the one up phase that we had. As the month of December rolled around, I was getting worse and worse. Eventually I went to go see the doc. They told me that I had a simple little cough and that there was not much to worry about. They gave some meds and sent me on my way. Marie was disappointed... she never wished sickness upon anyone... except that I would get mono. This wish I might add was for pure laughter at me. Love or a sick joke.. you tell me. Christmas rolled around and I flew home to see my mom and then depart with my dad on a ski trip. I flew in with the worst flight experience of my life into a snow storm where everywhere I went seemed to be cold. I came home to lots of hugs and kisses and a broken bed. I ended up sleeping on the floor. With next to no sleep that night the morning arrived with me meeting my dad as he walked down the stairs. I explained that I could hardly breath and needed to go to the hospital. Two hours later Marie received a picture message with a hospital wrist band on and a message saying are you happy now? All good fun of course and few pills later I was up and laughing about this experience. The family went on a ski trip which I will have to save for another Blog. 

A month went by and I soaked up all the love, care and sympathy that I could from Marie. As time passed Marie and I became the Mother and Father of Glennwood. Every night it seemed that we were feeding someone and taking care of another. It was a whole new experience seeing a girl that you date take care of so many people and do it with a smile on her face. Take personal note that we have never said the magic three words "I love you" to each other. 

The next month was the month of Feb. I have always thought that this is the best month of the year. One, I have never had girl problems... or at least I would like to think that. Two, I was falling even faster and harder for this girl Marie and three, my birthday is in Feb. As all couples do, I started to plan for the wonderful Valentines Day. I found my self giving away ideas and plans to other couples because these other gentlemen were not able to come up with anything and they desperately wanted to impress their special someone. Our date was going to be classy and simple...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

When she goes pt 1

This is my first blog and I will tell you right off the bat that it will be a little emotional. I have found that expressing yourself to any sort of object, whether it be an audience or a journal, that it releases what is tense. To give a little back ground of my life, I am 21 years old and currently living in Provo UT... I know, of all the places I could live I chose Provo UT. Regardless of my choice I felt it to be the right thing to do. I am preparing to serve a mission for my church (I am LDS) and wanted to get away from a life style that I was not happy with. So Provo UT, what a place. Population... 98% Mormon. On, my arrival I felt as if I was in prozac central. Everything seemed on the surface and happy and life seemed to just flutter by. As time went on I had a closer look at these people. It wasn't necessarily the euphoric state that everyone seemed to be in but rather, they really did enjoy life. 

I started to settle in and get use to the scene when I met Marie. This is more or less the point of this entry. When I first met Marie, I hated her. She was the most obnoxious, one upper, who would do anything just to prove you wrong. As I became good friends with my roommates and they became aware of the situation at hand... I told them that I was going to play a little game with this new devil child I had just met. I would flirt with her and make her fall in love with me. The catch was I would never kiss her or do anything to satisfy what she would start wanting. All was in place except for one thing... I started falling for her... and I feel fast. Embarrassed that I now had these emotions I had to decide to swallow my pride and give her that first kiss that I longed for or keep my pride and suppress any feeling I had toward her.  It is obvious that I learned how to swallow my pride and gave her that first kiss... but where would this lead. I was going to leave on a mission within a year so any relationship would just end... or would it (the answer is not at the end of the blog). 

A few weeks passed and we had become great friends. From cooking exquisite meals to playful dates around town, it was incredible. Everything just seemed to fall in place... expect for what we were to each other. Yes, the dreaded DTR (determine the relationship) was at hand and I did not want to say... so what are we. I also did not want her to bring it up because if I know anything about relationship, friendships or dating relationship, I know that a DTR conversation is always an awkward conversation. As the next few days passed a was constantly wrestling in my thoughts of is it worth it? Should I start something that will just end. Should I just have some fun while I can and see what happens. That weekend I was invited to her house for thanksgiving. My family is all in washington so I had no where else to go. I gladly said yes to the invitation. Little did I know what I was about the experience. 

In my life I view dating in two different ways. One, date anyone and everyone and just have fun. You can have fun for a night with someone and not feel obligated to commit to marriage. The other way is steady dating. That is what two people should do when they see a possibility of marriage and want to test the waters to see if it could work. I have never had an official girl friend in my life. 

As we arrived to her house for the wonderful thanksgiving weekend I was in awe. I never knew that a girl could show so many wonderful qualities in one setting. From the constant giving to the family, to the close relations she had with each member of the family. I was witnessing what I wanted my family to be like through this one girl. Only one thing remained on my mind... How could I measure up.

That Monday, I asked her what she was doing for Saturday night, 11/29/2008. She said I have a few things in the afternoon I needed to get done. I said wonderful, may I take you out for a date. She replied with a smile, Yes. I knew that this was my chance and that I could not screw it up. I found an incredible restaurant to eat at (chefs table) and a wonderful look out point. I would be nervous so any sort of long night full of activities would be out of the question. I knew that she was interested in learning how to dance so I took that to heart and planned to dance at an exclusive look out point that not many people know of. The week passed and it was Saturday evening, I was ready for the date. I picked her up at 6:45 and departed to dinner on time. She looked incredible. She was beyond beautiful. All I can honestly remember from when she opened the door is that she glowed with pure beauty and exude happiness. 

I was nervous and could barley eat anything. We had wonderful conversation about things I cannot remember because I had one thing on my mind... Will she say yes. After dinner I took her to my secret lookout spot where we began to Blues Dance. It was wonderful. She picked up well and the sunset we danced in front of was perfect. After about the third song I could not hold it in. I pulled her in close and just held her. I began by saying " Marie, would ..." I stopped. What was I doing. Marie would you go out with me. What is this Jr High. I sat and thought to my self... how can I recover from this. My mind was racing when I figure it out. What should be easy common sense but when you are in the moment seems like algorithms came to me. "Marie, would you be my girl friend?" She smiled, turned and gave me a kiss and said yes. The 800 pound gorilla climbed off my back and I could breath again.