Wednesday, April 29, 2009

when she goes pt 2

It is time once again to continue my story. Marie and I were now official. As all roommates do, I go a few jokes her and there about Marie and I but over all it seemed to be a congratulations. For the next few months we had tons of fun. Pop-rock make outs and lighting guitars on fire... the usual. After a week or two I started to get a little under the weather. To properly prepare for what I am about to write you will need to understand a few things. First off, I never get sick. I always can shake a cold off in a day. Secondly, Marie had told me when we first met to never kiss her because every boyfriend she has ever had got mono at some point during their relationship. You can obviously see where this is going. Yes I do like to kiss my girl friend and thought that she was joking. When she told me that, it was during the one up phase that we had. As the month of December rolled around, I was getting worse and worse. Eventually I went to go see the doc. They told me that I had a simple little cough and that there was not much to worry about. They gave some meds and sent me on my way. Marie was disappointed... she never wished sickness upon anyone... except that I would get mono. This wish I might add was for pure laughter at me. Love or a sick joke.. you tell me. Christmas rolled around and I flew home to see my mom and then depart with my dad on a ski trip. I flew in with the worst flight experience of my life into a snow storm where everywhere I went seemed to be cold. I came home to lots of hugs and kisses and a broken bed. I ended up sleeping on the floor. With next to no sleep that night the morning arrived with me meeting my dad as he walked down the stairs. I explained that I could hardly breath and needed to go to the hospital. Two hours later Marie received a picture message with a hospital wrist band on and a message saying are you happy now? All good fun of course and few pills later I was up and laughing about this experience. The family went on a ski trip which I will have to save for another Blog. 

A month went by and I soaked up all the love, care and sympathy that I could from Marie. As time passed Marie and I became the Mother and Father of Glennwood. Every night it seemed that we were feeding someone and taking care of another. It was a whole new experience seeing a girl that you date take care of so many people and do it with a smile on her face. Take personal note that we have never said the magic three words "I love you" to each other. 

The next month was the month of Feb. I have always thought that this is the best month of the year. One, I have never had girl problems... or at least I would like to think that. Two, I was falling even faster and harder for this girl Marie and three, my birthday is in Feb. As all couples do, I started to plan for the wonderful Valentines Day. I found my self giving away ideas and plans to other couples because these other gentlemen were not able to come up with anything and they desperately wanted to impress their special someone. Our date was going to be classy and simple...

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