Thursday, April 30, 2009

when she goes pt 3

This has been a story that I have needed to finish and I apologize that it is taking so long to finish. I left off the story with our valentines date. We headed to park city to go to Zoom restaurant. This is one of my favorite places to eat because of the unique and wonderful atmosphere and the delicious food. Unfortunately Marie had a migraine that night so we had to keep it low key, but when you love a girl.. these things never put a damper on the events that are soon to come. We arrived at Zoom right on time with the luck of a great parking spot. Park City look beautiful. We had a wonderful time at the restaurant  and was going to go to the next activity... dancing. However, this was not the best idea because Marie would not have enjoyed it as much and she should so we headed back to my place in Provo. As we arrived, we kicked off our shoes and cuddled close to one of my favorite movies "My Sassy Girl." I was wonderful. The night was just about perfect... except for one thing. Did she love me back? After the movie we engaged in great conversation ;). Finally the topic was on my mind and her mind as well and it came up... As I remember it, I explained all of the wonderful traits and characteristics that I loved about her. On and on I went and it felt so good to finally let go what I had wanted to say in full force. It felt as if I was giving pure poetry because of how easy and fluid the words were coming. We concluded the night but I never got an I love you back from her. I became very nervous. Had I said to much to fast. We have been dating for a long time so I really doubted that thought. Keep in mind that one of Marie's characteristics is she never makes important decisions  with out thinking about them and making sure that it is right. The next day was normal for the both of us. Work and school, then dinner, then casual relaxing and enjoying each others company. As I walked her home to her apt she seemed a little nervous and or excited. We arrived to her door and she turned and did not kiss me like I had excepted. She instead said, do you remember what you said last night. I replied with a somewhat nervous voice... Yes. She asked did you really mean it? I replied again with a nervous voice preparing to get shut down... Yes. She explained that she wanted to respond last night and let me know that she loved me to but she had to make sure before she said it. She, like my self, value the phrase " I love you" enough to make sure that this was real. She then pulled me close and said "Mike, I love you." This was one of the most precious phrases I could have heard that night. 

As the months past, we became closer and closer. Making fun plans for the summer time... etc. The topic came up on how she wants to go to Jerusalem on a study abroad program. She had hoped to make it in the fall but she needed to try for spring and summer as well because it is very hard to get into. She also said that she had planned on doing everything on the last day so she would most likely be able to stay for summer and go in the fall. The plan was perfect. I was going to head out on a mission for my church and the same time that she would leave for Jerusalem. The next day she received an email congratulating her on being accepted into the spring and summer program. She had to go... this was a opportunity of a life time. 

We then spent every waking moment that we could afford together and cherished all of it. This was the hardest see you later I have ever done. I say see you later because I do not do goodbyes. I will see her in Aug so I will continue to Blog and keep up my personal life while I wait for her to return in my arms. 

Note to readers: Yes she is the girl on the top of my Blog page.

Mike Decker

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