Friday, May 1, 2009

a true friend

This week has been a hard week. People will get on a writer for being to emo but I think that in proper context, emotion makes the best stories. On Monday I had to say goodbye to my two great roommates and my girl friend whom I spent almost every waking moment with. It has been a very hard transition from doing everything together to not even being able to talk on the phone, skype or anything except email. I am thankful for at least having the ability of email but still... 

I was banking on getting though the week with the close people I knew giving me calls, visiting and or going out and doing fun things. I was wrong. Only one friend came through this week and it got me thinking. What is a true friend. 

Through out my life I have been fortunate to have lots of talents blessings. With all of this I felt it necessary to give to people as much as possible. I enjoy helping people and have tried to go by the golden rule, do unto others and you would like to be treated. I will not call anyone out but I felt as is all the service I had done for the past two semesters was almost in vane. I never expected payment or anything to that matter but maybe once in a while a.. Hey Mike, how are you? or a Mike were going to do this that and or the other... would you like to come? Instead I found myself sitting around not knowing what to do with my time and never getting a phone call back. Yes I didn't just sit there being emo. I was proactive in calling people trying to find things to occupy my time and only one person came through. 

This is my rant to everyone that has ever taken advantage of me, used me, whatever it might have been... Please change. I will be fine over all but I ask of you to try and give more than you take. You will find that it makes you happy in side. There is enough time in the day to do more for people. You never know what someone is going through but a simple act of kindness can make some ones day and you would never even know. 

Thank you 

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