Thursday, May 14, 2009


For everyone who is reading this Blog I want to inform you on the intent of a pervious entry. I had written about true friends and how I was disappointed. This was not meant to be a guilt trip. I had several people apologizing because they didn't talk to me much in a weeks time ... etc. It was my views on what I thought in regards to people interacting with each other. If your reading this a feel stupid... please don't. Have fun and live life. Im doing great and I hope the best to my readers.

Until the next post...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Job vs. Career

Everyone works. That is just a fact of life. Everyone has had a job and worked for a business regardless of their situation. What is the difference in a job and a career. How I view it as is simple, jobs you hate a careers you love. I don't know why anyone would settle down for a job. I found my self working for an unnamed company that took every effort to get out of bed and show up ten min late. Yes ten min late, I could not get my self to be there on time. I was so unhappy with my state that I change my work to a different company. Everyday I wake up excited to see what will happen and go home in a great mood. It is rewarding and over a life changing move. If you do not like where you work... start looking. I can't believe how much of a tole it took on me with a job that I hate. It is night and day with the difference between a job and a career. Good luck to everyone in the work place.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Volley Ball

The other night I gained an appreciation for people that are good at what they do. When a group of people get together and play anything... and there are to many people, it tends to be really lame. I played Volley Ball the other night and had a good time. There was only one court and each team had about 4 to 5 people waiting on the side to rotate in. What the heck. I came late and decided to watch. If people want to play... let them play. I hate when you are maxed out on a game and people play teams or rotate or anything to that matter. Also, it is always nice to have people that are about the same level compete so it is a close game. I don't have anything against people that suck... just make sure to play with other people that suck. This might sound like I'm venting when really I just want people to be aware that there are people out there that like a highly competitive match or game or whatever the event is called. That is it for today for me... I will be back to my normal schedule tomorrow with more positive blogs. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

For the reader

I want to be able to respond and talk about things that are on other peoples minds as well as mine. Please feel free to email me at There are plenty of topics that would cross a writers mind. From the economy to new musical artist, I want to know what you, the readers want to hear about.

Thank you for reading and I hope to hear from you.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cinco De Mayo

Today is the fun day where we can say happy fifth of may in Spanish and eats lots of chips and salsa. What really in Cinco De Mayo. My first thought was the Independence day of Mexico. I would not sure and honestly I would not be surprised if it was a holiday made up by America to sell sell sell. After some research I came to find out that I was completely wrong. Cinco De mayo was a large battle between the French and the Mexicans. The Mexicans were out numbered and not nearly as armed as the French. With great direction and strategy, the Mexicans were able to defeat the French. I do enjoy the French culture but a victory over the French is not much to brag about... lets be honest. For a while if you Googled "French Victories" Google would try and correct you and ask if you meant "French Defeats." The battle that did take place on the fifth of May did set the stage of ... Freedom of the French? Their Independence had been declared 50 years before. All in all my feelings for Cinco De Mayo are... Congrats Mexico, you beat the French and gave us an exuse to attend another party each year.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Baja Bell

Of the many things I could write about... this one is a Blog about cravings. I like to think of myself as a healthy individual. I make all my food from scratch and enjoy spending the time to make wonderful three to four course meals. I often find myself cooking for people as well because I take pride in the quality of the food I eat. Once in a good while we all get a craving for some complete junk food. It does not matter how health conscious you are... it happens to every one. Today I found myself craving the fourth meal (Taco Bell). In my opinion Taco Bell is one of the greasiest, worst food chains in the US and the world. Every time I eat there, with out fail, I feel like crap.

Today at work, I found my self falling slightly asleep on the phone and decided to get some sort of drink with a little energy boost. I don't do well with caffeine so I go for the Dr. Pepper or a classic Coke. I have heard a lot about this Baja Blast that is only sold at taco bell. With a taco bell located just next to where I work I could not resist. Some nice greasy food I can pig out on plus a nice drink. As always I place my order and wait in line for it to come out. I personally hate how they don't care about how the food comes out for fast food. You can tell that they have some sort of gun that they squeeze and puts the proper amount of food on the tortilla or whatever it might be. My stomach turns and I see what abomination I have just ordered. I take my seat next to the window and continue to follow through with my sin of an order. After I make it through the food I have one hope to make this trip worth it. I proceed to the fountain where the sodas are and pour my self my first Baja Blast. A very odd color came out and I became nervous. With all things, everything deserves a chance and I continue to bring the cup to my mouth. As the taste buds make contact with the blast from baja I instantly put a smile on my face. It was nothing less than a pleasant surprise. I proceeded to finish my drink, fill up again and bring the free refill to work. Keep in mind that I drive a scooter to work and there is no cup holder available. The drink was so good, I decided that it was worth the risk to drive back to work with a cup of Baja Blast in between my legs.

All I can say is Baja Blast is what makes every trip to taco bell's ungodly menu worth ordering from. If you have not tried it... I highly recommend it.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Weddings… I really do love them


This Saturday I went to my cousin’s wedding. It was nothing less than wonderful. I will start with the pre wedding night dinner. I really don’t know what to call it because it was a select few that were invited to go. It was not a reception or anything… just simply a nice dinner for a few close friends and family. It was at a nice country club that was very enjoyable to reminisce on the fun memories and rag on the bride and groom a little. The food was excellent, that setting was classy and the company was very enjoyable.


The wedding took place in an LDS Temple… I honestly do not remember which one but I know that it was the one that was close to Newport Beach. After the actual wedding everyone went home to rest/do whatever while the wedding party stayed and took many pictures.


The wedding reception started at six pm. There was an incredible amount of people there right at the beginning and it just kept getting bigger and bigger. I think that there were about 350 to 400 people that were in attendance at once. Everyone was parking there car about a half mile away if not farther but there were several club carts that were driving people to the reception which was a very nice touch at the beginning of the night. As you pull up, you see a beautiful house with gardens that look picture perfect, There is a custom make string of paper lanterns that draped across the front which is where the food was placed. The bride and groom had been all over the world and so with there wedding they wanted to have a similar representation with the catered food. From France to Africa, Mexico to Korea they had everything. Keep in mind that this was not boring appetizers that you warm up with the microwave… no, this was full meals made in front of you that were authentic. Incredible. As you head towards the left of the house you see a beautiful lawn that slowly goes up with table after table of friends and family eating and enjoying the festivities. Above is row after row of beautiful white paper lanterns with all different sizes. In the front of all this fun is a love band playing wonderfully in the front. It was a nice touch because this band, unlike most, played quietly and provided wonderful background music. Once the dancing floor was opened, they did pick up the tempo a little but it fit just perfectly with the setting.


As the evening progressed we were privileged to listen to speech after speech that made you stomach heart it was so funny with a few tear jerks because of how beautiful and sincere each speaker was. As the night slowly ended you knew that this was one of the most successful weddings anyone could have ever attended. Pure joy was spread to the hearts of everyone making single adults excited for their wedding days to married couples remembering their precious night. I hope and wish that everyone would be able to experience a happy day just like Christian and Michaela’s wonderful wedding. 

Friday, May 1, 2009

a true friend

This week has been a hard week. People will get on a writer for being to emo but I think that in proper context, emotion makes the best stories. On Monday I had to say goodbye to my two great roommates and my girl friend whom I spent almost every waking moment with. It has been a very hard transition from doing everything together to not even being able to talk on the phone, skype or anything except email. I am thankful for at least having the ability of email but still... 

I was banking on getting though the week with the close people I knew giving me calls, visiting and or going out and doing fun things. I was wrong. Only one friend came through this week and it got me thinking. What is a true friend. 

Through out my life I have been fortunate to have lots of talents blessings. With all of this I felt it necessary to give to people as much as possible. I enjoy helping people and have tried to go by the golden rule, do unto others and you would like to be treated. I will not call anyone out but I felt as is all the service I had done for the past two semesters was almost in vane. I never expected payment or anything to that matter but maybe once in a while a.. Hey Mike, how are you? or a Mike were going to do this that and or the other... would you like to come? Instead I found myself sitting around not knowing what to do with my time and never getting a phone call back. Yes I didn't just sit there being emo. I was proactive in calling people trying to find things to occupy my time and only one person came through. 

This is my rant to everyone that has ever taken advantage of me, used me, whatever it might have been... Please change. I will be fine over all but I ask of you to try and give more than you take. You will find that it makes you happy in side. There is enough time in the day to do more for people. You never know what someone is going through but a simple act of kindness can make some ones day and you would never even know. 

Thank you 

Thursday, April 30, 2009

when she goes pt 3

This has been a story that I have needed to finish and I apologize that it is taking so long to finish. I left off the story with our valentines date. We headed to park city to go to Zoom restaurant. This is one of my favorite places to eat because of the unique and wonderful atmosphere and the delicious food. Unfortunately Marie had a migraine that night so we had to keep it low key, but when you love a girl.. these things never put a damper on the events that are soon to come. We arrived at Zoom right on time with the luck of a great parking spot. Park City look beautiful. We had a wonderful time at the restaurant  and was going to go to the next activity... dancing. However, this was not the best idea because Marie would not have enjoyed it as much and she should so we headed back to my place in Provo. As we arrived, we kicked off our shoes and cuddled close to one of my favorite movies "My Sassy Girl." I was wonderful. The night was just about perfect... except for one thing. Did she love me back? After the movie we engaged in great conversation ;). Finally the topic was on my mind and her mind as well and it came up... As I remember it, I explained all of the wonderful traits and characteristics that I loved about her. On and on I went and it felt so good to finally let go what I had wanted to say in full force. It felt as if I was giving pure poetry because of how easy and fluid the words were coming. We concluded the night but I never got an I love you back from her. I became very nervous. Had I said to much to fast. We have been dating for a long time so I really doubted that thought. Keep in mind that one of Marie's characteristics is she never makes important decisions  with out thinking about them and making sure that it is right. The next day was normal for the both of us. Work and school, then dinner, then casual relaxing and enjoying each others company. As I walked her home to her apt she seemed a little nervous and or excited. We arrived to her door and she turned and did not kiss me like I had excepted. She instead said, do you remember what you said last night. I replied with a somewhat nervous voice... Yes. She asked did you really mean it? I replied again with a nervous voice preparing to get shut down... Yes. She explained that she wanted to respond last night and let me know that she loved me to but she had to make sure before she said it. She, like my self, value the phrase " I love you" enough to make sure that this was real. She then pulled me close and said "Mike, I love you." This was one of the most precious phrases I could have heard that night. 

As the months past, we became closer and closer. Making fun plans for the summer time... etc. The topic came up on how she wants to go to Jerusalem on a study abroad program. She had hoped to make it in the fall but she needed to try for spring and summer as well because it is very hard to get into. She also said that she had planned on doing everything on the last day so she would most likely be able to stay for summer and go in the fall. The plan was perfect. I was going to head out on a mission for my church and the same time that she would leave for Jerusalem. The next day she received an email congratulating her on being accepted into the spring and summer program. She had to go... this was a opportunity of a life time. 

We then spent every waking moment that we could afford together and cherished all of it. This was the hardest see you later I have ever done. I say see you later because I do not do goodbyes. I will see her in Aug so I will continue to Blog and keep up my personal life while I wait for her to return in my arms. 

Note to readers: Yes she is the girl on the top of my Blog page.

Mike Decker

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

when she goes pt 2

It is time once again to continue my story. Marie and I were now official. As all roommates do, I go a few jokes her and there about Marie and I but over all it seemed to be a congratulations. For the next few months we had tons of fun. Pop-rock make outs and lighting guitars on fire... the usual. After a week or two I started to get a little under the weather. To properly prepare for what I am about to write you will need to understand a few things. First off, I never get sick. I always can shake a cold off in a day. Secondly, Marie had told me when we first met to never kiss her because every boyfriend she has ever had got mono at some point during their relationship. You can obviously see where this is going. Yes I do like to kiss my girl friend and thought that she was joking. When she told me that, it was during the one up phase that we had. As the month of December rolled around, I was getting worse and worse. Eventually I went to go see the doc. They told me that I had a simple little cough and that there was not much to worry about. They gave some meds and sent me on my way. Marie was disappointed... she never wished sickness upon anyone... except that I would get mono. This wish I might add was for pure laughter at me. Love or a sick joke.. you tell me. Christmas rolled around and I flew home to see my mom and then depart with my dad on a ski trip. I flew in with the worst flight experience of my life into a snow storm where everywhere I went seemed to be cold. I came home to lots of hugs and kisses and a broken bed. I ended up sleeping on the floor. With next to no sleep that night the morning arrived with me meeting my dad as he walked down the stairs. I explained that I could hardly breath and needed to go to the hospital. Two hours later Marie received a picture message with a hospital wrist band on and a message saying are you happy now? All good fun of course and few pills later I was up and laughing about this experience. The family went on a ski trip which I will have to save for another Blog. 

A month went by and I soaked up all the love, care and sympathy that I could from Marie. As time passed Marie and I became the Mother and Father of Glennwood. Every night it seemed that we were feeding someone and taking care of another. It was a whole new experience seeing a girl that you date take care of so many people and do it with a smile on her face. Take personal note that we have never said the magic three words "I love you" to each other. 

The next month was the month of Feb. I have always thought that this is the best month of the year. One, I have never had girl problems... or at least I would like to think that. Two, I was falling even faster and harder for this girl Marie and three, my birthday is in Feb. As all couples do, I started to plan for the wonderful Valentines Day. I found my self giving away ideas and plans to other couples because these other gentlemen were not able to come up with anything and they desperately wanted to impress their special someone. Our date was going to be classy and simple...